Average Playtime: 4 hours


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The game is made up of stages, with a puzzle on each stage and story cut-scenes in between. The game has auto-save feature in each stage so if you failed in a certain puzzle, you can try again by clicking continue.

On every stage there will be a trial phase and a battle phase. In the trial phase, the player will be given a puzzle that can be solved alone by thinking or calculating. In the next phase, which is the battle phase, the player will have a match against the AI. Battles require concentration and patience.

Calcu-Late was developed by Blazing Fanfish and is being published by Back To Basics Gaming.
Release date
Blazing Fanfish
Back To Basics Gaming
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2 or newer
  • Processor: 1.5 GHz or better
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
  • Storage: 200 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
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Last Modified: Feb 22, 2025

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Calcu-Late reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Calcu-Late" is a short RPG maker puzzle game. We are Students and face a Math test. As we learn, we slumber in And find ourselves in a fantasy world full of Puzzles. The Problem: The few Puzzles usually have nothing or little to do with Mathematics. At least simple memory has never struck me as a Calculation Problem. What helps the regretful Protagonist These Puzzle Inventions in his math test remains hidden in the eternal Hunting grounds. In Addition, all puzzles are so bock-plated that you feel like Gardeners. The Characters and the Story can only convince to a limited extent. The Story tries to be witty and parodic, but fails in the often silly Dialogues Due to Platitude and logically accompanying Missing Depth. Technically, the Game is perfectly fine, Graphics and Sound for an RPG-Maker title quite passable. Rating: 3/10 Atmosphere 3/10 Story 5/10 Graphic 4/10 Sound 3/10 Game Mechanics 3/10 Balancing 4/10 Game Pass Conclusion: To Sine a Planck Time Over the Goldbach Conjecture is a Nonillial Times more exciting than this Game. And, above all, would have something to do with Mathematics. 4/10 Overall Rating
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
UNLÖSBARE AUFGABE!!! I wanted to play, as I play a lot of games, even this one at the highest Level of Difficulty. And that all the first Puzzle I got is just NOT LÖSBAR. The Puzzle is about distributing the Numbers 1 to 16 in a 4 by 4 field. The Sum of the Numbers in the Diagonal, Vertical ... And 7 other Patterns are no more than 34. To check if it could be done at all, I had to write a Program: If you want to find out the number combinations through a Random Generator, the Chance is 0.0138% that you will find the Result for just one Pattern right away and it takes an average of 0.014 Seconds until you have a Result. If it is 2 Patterns, the Chance is already 0.000005% and it takes an Average of 37 Seconds for a Result. The Chance to find with a Trial the Result, which fits on all nine Patterns, is gigantic 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004%. And the 2 by 12 Core processor server is likely to take 1971540405549210566 years to solve. If, on the Other Hand, you check all the combination Possibilities in sequence, you first have to know that there are only 11521504606846976 Combinations. It would take about as long and if you wanted to store the Amount of Data in a Text File, that File would be 24117248 Terabytes in size. That was a very amusing math Game, figuring out all these Values. If you would like to imitate this and spend Hours not creating the first Task, I can only recommend the Game. Otherwise NO!
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