Capella: a solitary note joins an ensemble
You, a Witch living a solitary life up in the clouds, once saved a scruffy and eccentric villager by the name of Lynx. Descending into the City below, the two go about one of the Witch's usual days of collecting and crafting celestial items into instruments.
Game Design, Programming
koloquials | Twitter
Game Design, Art, Writing, Programming
Caio Jiacomini | Twitter
Sound Design
Cal Tillman | Twitter
Developed over the course of one semester for USC Games, in partnership with Berklee College of Music. This game and it's many quirks was developed as a potential demo of a much larger experience: the first of many days. That being said, there are no actual plans to continue development at this time. We hope you enjoy!
Game Design, Programming
koloquials | Twitter
Game Design, Art, Writing, Programming
Caio Jiacomini | Twitter
Sound Design
Cal Tillman | Twitter
A+D to move
W to jump and double-jump.
E to start dialogue
CLICK + DRAG to advance text, craft.