Capsule Man Online
Capsule Man Online
Capsule Man Online is a multiplayer third person shooter game for PSVita PC and android, you can play in any platform and connect to users using either of these supported platforms. Please note that the PSVita version is not included in this bundle, if you will be playing it too you better go and support me via Patreon, paying the exact same ammount of money ($3) you can get all versions, updates and some other stuff as well.
You can shoot a hell of bullets to defeat your enemies, you also have a powerful jetpack to fly around the stage to find the best strategy to win. The game features four different character, four maps and original music tracks to make your matches as thrilling as you wish =).
If you would like to support the development of this and other projects you can do that via Patreon, will give you also extra stuff over there to thank you for your support =)