Case of the Phoenix Sapphire
Made in 48 hours for the VGAD Game Jam Winter 2019 - Theme: String
You are a private eye tasked with using clues to figure out how the thief stole the Phoenix Sapphire from the museum.
The game is entirely mouse-based. Right-click on events and clues to take a closer look. When you think a clue proves that an event is the one that happened, left-click on the pins in their respective corners to connect them with string. If you make a mistake, click on two connected pins to remove their string. When you think you've proven an event took place,
click and drag the event to the highlighted submission area to see if you're right. Good luck, detective!
Frog Squad
Alexander Ozero: Programming
Bella Fuccaro: Art
Ian Wark: Programming
See README for resource credits