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Change character's color based on which platform you are currently jumping
To become the best you must show the others, how good your remembering skills are! If you`re already trained enough (or you just think so), go check out the "Musical battle"

You have one week to gain exclusive achievements, which will never appear in a game again!

Touching story about tragic story of a simple grey cube and life issues he`s going to bump in to on his way.

★ Hard (Hardcore) arcade mode only for players with fast fingers and smart brains.
★ Beautiful and colorful graphics
★ Weekly updates for "Music battle" with new achievements, as was previously discussed.
★ Jump up from platform to platform, changing colors with a simple swipe.
★ Character customization system, with various costumes and perks. It`s more fun this way.

Have you ever consider, that even a simple arcade game character might have a backstory?
Why is he jumping up the platforms?
Where did those colors come from?
Our game`s goal is to break that wall and show just how complicated the life of grey colored cube can be.
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • Processor: 2 GHz or High
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or High
  • Storage: 200 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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Jan 6, 2017
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CEdges reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Spain
Product received for free Horrific. I Appreciate that I got it 100% free. I Entered the game and decided not to put it in full screen (I saw in the other analyses that the full screen did not support the mouse), it seems that the game is made for mobile, because as you see has the typical fuzzy background to complete the screen, something that called me the Attention. When I entered the game VI 4 options: HISTORY, ARCADE, SHOP and MUSIC. I Decided to go to shop, and I found 6 options, GRAY, RED, BLUE, YELLOW and GREEN, in each of them said DOWNLOADING SKINS, I waited 5 minutes and nothing appeared, before this I decided to start playing. First I went to history, thinking I was going to have to complete a story or do missions, what you expect from the "story Mode", BUT NO, it ended up being a transition of 8 images with just movement trying to make a "story", which seems to be made by a re Cién born, and nothing is understood. At The end of that, "TO BE CONTINUE..." appears on The screen. "(Note the grammatical error) and return me to the main screen. Disappointed, I thought the REAL GAME was going to be in ARCADE, so I went to that option. Above the screen said "BEST RECORD: 0" (Nothing out of the ordinary, never played), in the middle of the screen said "CLICK TO START", and lower left was the typical arrow to exit. Then I touch the button to play. The screen moves up and the stage is presented. Above all There is a zero (the score) The background changes in each attempt. You See 5 platforms, which can be made of grass, lava, ice, and what looks like cheese. These materials also change in every attempt. The game starts with the main character going from the right to the left, when it reaches the wall, the character jumps alone, bounces against the wall, and crashes against the platform, causing the game to lose and returning to the previous screen, the Click To start. There is No instruction of the controls or what to do, so I tried to play left click, right click, Space, enter, I kicked my keyboard and the character kept bouncing and dying. Seeing that the game was already lost, I went back to the main screen. I Played "MUSIC", and guess what it was, GUESS what it WAS! IT WAS THE SAME DAMN GAME, ONLY IN BLACK And WHITE, And GAVE YOU THE OPTION OF CHOOSING BETWEEN 3 SONGS, Keosz-Glib, Simun Mathewson-Scuba and Sro-If Only They Hadn't, when YOU chose the song started the same game only without background and with a music viewer Horri ble. The same thing Happened in Arcade, you could not do anything and the character died against the platform. That's all. The game also has no graphical configurations, no credits, no nothing. It'S A meaningless game, your "developer" wants to get money by cheating people. I Hope you finish eliminating and do not re-publish another game like this. Don't buy the game, you can get it for free on some pages. The only "good" is that it has 350 achievements of letters (the whole alphabet) and drawings, but as the creator is a retarded incompetent loser without future, to get them you just have to get in and out of the game. I'M happy because she didn't give me cancer.
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