Chess Dungeon (kypello)

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(Please note: There is a bug that happens on screen sizes larger than a laptop, where the name of the level does not go fully off screen and may cover the inventory. Fortunately this is only a visual annoyance - you are still able to click on the items. Sorry about that.)

In Chess Dungeon, you will be dropped into a procedurally-generated checkerboard dungeon filled with treasure and enemy chess pieces.

Every few turns, you will turn into a different piece with different movement rules.


-Click on a space with an X to move to that space.

-Press Z to skip your turn, if you are in a particularly difficult position and not moving is the best course of action.

-After closing a merchant's screen, while you are still standing on the merchant's space, pressing Z will also re-enter the merchant screen. He may have different items to sell.

-Hold C to zoom the camera out and get a better view of your surroundings, because there may be enemies waiting to ambush you outside the regular field of view.

-Enemies cannot move onto or through spaces with chests. While you are standing on a chest, you are safe.

-When you are in control of a pawn, you will become a queen if you hit a wall in front of you. Enemy pawns cannot do this however.

This game was made in 48 hours for the GMTK Jam 2020. Music was made by Scowsh (

Chess Movement Rules:

-Pawns can only move directly up one space, unless there is an opposing piece to the top-left or top-right, in which case they can attack in that direction.

-Rooks can move any number of spaces in a vertical or horizontal line.

-Bishops can move any number of spaces in a diagonal line.

-Knights move in an L shape, or two spaces in any direction plus one space in a perpendicular direction. Unlike other pieces, they can jump over anything.

-Queens can move like rooks AND bishops. They can move any number of spaces in one of the eight directions.

-Kings can also move in eight directions, but only one space at a time.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jul 13, 2020

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