Chessmate (itch)
Once a pawn a time I decided to spend a few hours writing a computer game to play chess. Bit of a rookie error. It turns out there's a lot you have to check, mate. And although it ended up taking most of the weekend, and a few knights, I think I finally have it pinned down. So if you want to play a quick game, rook no further! I think it turned out great but I would love for you to check!
Questionable puns aside, this is a small side project created for Practice Circle Jam #2 to build a 3D chess game where you can play against the computer at any level from beginner to Grandmaster.
Once I had the chess AI and all the rules working (including castling, pawn promotion and en passant) I decided to see if I could offer the player different sets of 3D chess pieces to play with. It kind of snowballed from there and now you can also choose different chess boards and locations. The choices are quite limited for now with just enough to hopefully demonstrate the concepts.
In terms of the user experience I wanted the player to start playing a game as quickly as possible without having to first select the side they want to play, difficulty level, etc. Instead you immediately start with a new game and you can then change any aspect of the game including switching sides (doing this at the beginning of a game allows you to play black) as well as changing the level of difficulty, sets, boards and locations. The GUI for this still needs a bit of work though.
In terms of game play, move pieces by dragging them across the board. You can undo and redo as many moves as you like, or even try a different move at any point in a previous part of the game.
This was a fun little project to practice on and I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I learnt making it.