Chess rpg is a chess game where you can level up, get loot, and destroy your opponent.
NameDescriptionHealing potionRegain 50 hpSwordYou can hit on all one diagonalArc tier 1Diagonal (pass enemy) in range 5-7Arc tier 2Same as Tier 1 but with range 4-8Baton tier 1Attack in all direction in range 3-5Baton tier 2Same as Tier 1 but in range 4-6Baton tier 3Attack in all direction without passing enemy in range 1-6 ShieldGive you 50 extra HPWarrior helmetYou can now move all aroundJOOOJOOODo nothing, sorry, but start a nice soundWitch hatMove in diagonal and line in range 2AxeAttack in Horizontal with range 1-2 Diagonal front range 1 KatanaAttack in horizontal axe with range 1-5