Chinese Checkers Online
Chinese checkers online
Sternhalma, commonly known as Chinese checkers is a board game for two to three players who attempt to move marbles or counters from one corner to the opposite one on a star-shaped board.
Now with the ability to play it online with your friends :D
Game Play On your turn, move any one of your pegs by the movement rules described below. After you move one peg, your turn is over. The game continues with players alternating turns. Movement Rules- You may move one hole in any direction, OR
- You may jump over your own or an opponent's peg, in any direction, to a hole on the opposite side of the peg you jumped.
- You may even jump a series of pegs on one turn, one after the other, zig-zagging in any direction. A peg that has been jumped is not removed from the board. All pegs remain in play.
- Two pegs in a row form a block.
- As the game nears the end, players may not intentionally remain in their starting star point to prevent an opponent from finishing.
- End of the Game
The first player to move all of their pegs into the star point directly across from their starting point wins!