Average Playtime: 3 hours


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Cinders is a mature take on a classic fairytale with a heavy emphasis on player choices and role playing.

Cinders is a witty young woman living with an overbearing stepmother and her two daughters, as if she was reenacting a certain well-known fairytale. But unlike its protagonist, Cinders is not afraid of taking fate into her own hands. Even if it means breaking the rules…

The game takes a look at four women and what made them who they are. It’s a story about balancing freedom and dreams with circumstance and harsh reality. About growing up and finding out the true meaning of independence. Distancing itself from the judgmental simplicity of the original, Cinders tries to explore the more complex nature of oppression, responsibility and innocence.

With 120 decision points, over 300 options to choose from, and multiple endings, Cinders gives you total control over the main character’s personality and how her story unfolds.LinksOfficial website
Release date
Crunching Koalas
Crunching Koalas, MoaCube
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for macOS

OS X 10.11 or higher
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
Mouse, Keyboard

System requirements for PC

7 / 8 / 10
Memory: 512 MB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Mouse, Keyboard
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 26, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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1 edit
Dark Souls 3 Cinders - Let's Play Part 1: Dark Cowboy
May 23, 2019
THIS BUILD IS SO OVERPOWERED - DS3 Cinders Mod Funny Moments (6)
Aug 23, 2019
Dark Souls 3 Cinders (1.64) - Let's Play Part 1: Cowboy Returns
Feb 5, 2020
Into Ringed City DLC...The REAL Angels Are Back - DS3 Cinders Mod Funny Moments (13)
Sep 5, 2019
THE FINAL CINDERS MOD VIDEO - DS3 Cinders Mod Funny Moments 24
Nov 11, 2019
MORE Bloodborne Weapons & THE PURSUER IS BACK - DS3 Cinders Mod Funny Moments 23
Oct 25, 2019
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67,544 items
Happily Ever After
Gather all other Cinders trophies
The Childhood Friend
Get very close with Tobias
The Black Sheep
Make a connection with Sophia
Royal Kiss
Charm the Prince Charming
Do what you've been told and don't dawdle!
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Cinders (part 1) -- full stream
Neochick plays Cinders
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Cinders reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I was on a beautiful drawing and promises a grim and adult interpretation of the story about Cinderella, but all I got was a bunch of depma in the face. From such dull dialogues and such heavy boring text it is desirable to strangle that mpaz which all it has written bare, Blyad, hands. The Talent of the one who wrote the text-zero, the literary language-No. For a brazen attempt to leave the false promises on all of us a famous fairy tale wants to kick your feet in the face. I hope he'll drown his own vomit from his own text. Such Arms Poison The life of all mankind with such a text. To Her God, it's like a bachelor's degree reading. Because Of such careless authors someone hates reading at all.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Now this is some piece of art. I really enjoyed every second of this game! Characters are very interesting. Alive, i would say. Music is nice, and not annoying like in some other games. Artwork speaks for itself... Still, this games is quite sad. If in original Cinderella we read the story about the poor girl, who was born to be a good girl, work hard, and destined to become a queen, Cinders in this game might looks different. BUT that's not true. No matter how much you try, this is still fairytale. You want to visit the ball, and meet the prince? You need help from witch/fairy. You want your mansion? You still have to visit that damn ball. Maybe you can peacefully elope with captain? Nope, your destiny won't let you. Cinders smarter then CInderella, and can put up a fight, but in the and the Shady Character will summarise your every possible decision. No matter how much personality your sisters has, they will never get their prince. They aren't blunt villains anymore, but they still destined to perish in your shadow. Still this game is awesome!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Jo, that is, more or less interactive Novel than game. Anyone who wants To let Cinderella become An Intrator and loves Cinderella as a Fairy tale as such and also looks at "Three Bunny Crumplings for Amellants" every Christmas, then he can be confidently Access. You have and you are leaving and ... ah man has a Choice ... Click........ If and leaves and leaves ... So about 5 Hours. Then you get a little Summary of what happens or happened after the Fairy Tale, namely what the Brothers Grimm have always Withheld from us. There are therefore several Ends, but to reach all of them seems to me a bit long-winded and annoying, sometimes you have already read the Story completely and then chew through another 5 Hours ... Boaaaaaah, nääääääää! To mention the well-drawn Characters and Backgrounds, but sparsely animated. A few floating leaves etc. So, how can you rate something like that? For the Ottonormal player it is definitely nix, for Girls who like to read and dream of a princess existence a "Yes." For my Taste it's nothing, so I give a "No"
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