Clairvoyance Alpha 1.6.1
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Clairvoyance Alpha 1.6
WASD - move head
Left/Right arrow keys - Move left/right
Q/E - face left/right
Space - Punch
Shift - Kick
Esc - Exit to menu
The current state of the game is visually buggy and unbalanced, but the foundations are complete and it is fun to play.
CLAIRVOYANCE is a 2D PvE roguelike fighting game where you can see one second into the future. This allows the player to feasibly battle large groups of enemies at once, and plan their moves instead of relying purely on reactions and remembering attack patterns.
The controls involve moving left and right, and moving your head, which lets you dodge attacks and also decides which attack you do. Moves are decided not by directional input like traditional fighting games, but instead will be chosen based off the position of your fighter. Some moves can only start their animation in one position and end in another. This makes it faster to transition to some moves and slower to transition to others, like in real life.