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Don't play if you have epilepsy.
Submission for Bullet Hell Gamejam 2022.
Claustrophobia + Maelstrom
Fight against many enemies in this short bullet hell game! There is a mysterious aura around your ship known as the "Deletion Zone", it will destroy any of your bullets. Collecting energy items will help keep the Deletion Zone away!
Press Z to shoot, press left shift to move slower, and press X for bombs!
You have a infinite supply of bombs, they do not damage enemies, only turns enemy bullets into energy items.
There are 2 types of ships, Type-A and Type-B.
Type-A has a small wide shot area, it's options shoot homing bullets. It moves much faster than Type-A.
Type-B has a wider shot area, it's options shoot bullets that leave a trail that can also damage enemies.