CLOSED HANDS is a groundbreaking work of interactive fiction by PASSENGER, directed by Dan Hett. The game follows the deep intertwined stories of five people thrown together by their involvement in a fictional terror attack.
This sprawling story plays out through a combination of traditional interactive text, as well as explorable computer interfaces, conversations, IM's, phonecalls and more. CLOSED HANDS is a fragmented and complex narrative, playable in any order, that tells the story of the lead-up and aftermath of the attack: some stories go forward in time, some backwards, and some both. Players can choose to follow a single narrative arc, or jump between perspectives to get the full picture of everything that happens to the city, and it's inhabitants.
Game features:
STEAM EDITION exclusive features:
This sprawling story plays out through a combination of traditional interactive text, as well as explorable computer interfaces, conversations, IM's, phonecalls and more. CLOSED HANDS is a fragmented and complex narrative, playable in any order, that tells the story of the lead-up and aftermath of the attack: some stories go forward in time, some backwards, and some both. Players can choose to follow a single narrative arc, or jump between perspectives to get the full picture of everything that happens to the city, and it's inhabitants.
Game features:
- A rich, deep work of interactive fiction - 130,000+ words across almost 150 scenes written by Dan Hett, Dan Whitehead, Sharan Dhaliwal and Umar Ditta
- Five distinct intertwining character arcs, and dozens of additional scenes to fill out the full story. Follow a single character, or move between them to understand the full picture.
- Nine possible endings to the game, with non-linear progression to get there. Discover everything by experimenting with key character decisions.
- Features a dynamic ambient soundtrack by Ciaran McAuley (RUMA) that reacts to tension and events within the game as it unfolds
- Game theme music composed and performed by Paul Wolinski (65daysofstatic, No Man's Sky)
STEAM EDITION exclusive features:
- Full audio developer's commentary throughout: learn about the context, writing, sound, and production behind this project scene-by-scene
- Full soundtrack included in the download: a curated ambient selection of layered tracks by Ciaran McAuley, and the original and remixed Closed Hands theme by Paul Wolinski (65daysofstatic, No Man's Sky)
- An ebook version of the game's story (epub/PDF) with the sequence and scenes chosen by the writing team. Experience the game's interactive prose as a traditional novel.
- Access to a library of original artwork, sketches, and example Ink scripting files
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 10+
- Storage: 160 MB available space
System requirements for macOS
- OS: El Capitan (2015) or later
- Storage: 160 MB available space
System requirements for Linux
- OS: Any recent distro with glibc 2.28 or newer (Ubuntu/Mint or whatever)