Codename- Buenos Aires [Work in Progress]

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Technical Notes- AI of the soldiers are currently non-existent in this build. They just run in a loop. The Alien bug attacks when you are outside the vehicle. Small bugs here and there. No menu showing controls yet. Please look at installation instructions for a control list and/or below in the game description here. 

Codename Buenos Aires is not the official title. It is the code-name.

The game takes place is a dystopian sci-fi future. The government and major tech companies  have joined forces in creating a Socialist Authoritarian alliance to censor, manipulate, and control society. 

Individuality is looked down upon and Group Think is praised and rewarded. Technology is used to align thought at the whim of the establishment. Globalist War Hawks are using Eugenics, AI,  gene splicing,  and genetic engineering to create abominations and push their agenda. There is an attack on the values that have brought the Western world into prominence. That attack is coming from the powers within. 

You play as the resistance. You and your organization have been in the military throughout the transition from once defending of individual freedoms of the citizens; to the current wave of Totalitarianism. You are among the few that have not been brainwashed by Group Think influence of the Government, Media, and Tech. You long for the days of yesteryear and are willing to die to get those freedoms back. Otherwise, what is the point of living such an empty and controlled life.?



Player Controls:

Quit Game/Reset/Change Settings:  Escape ( Menu Will Open)

Cycle Camera: Tab

Forward: W

Back: S

Left: A

Right: D

Jump: Space

Aim/Look: Mouse

Zoom:  E (toggles on/off)

Night Vision:  V (toggles on/off)

Shoot: Left Mouse Button or Mouse 0

Throw Grenade:  G

Place Mine:  P

Enter/Exit Vehicle:  T (when in range)

Flashlight:  L (toggles on/off)

Overhead Mini-Map:  M (toggles on/off)

Reload: R (only plays animation at this point. You have infinite ammo in demo)

Cycle Weapon: Q (only plays animation at this point. You have infinite ammo in demo)

 Airstrike Targeting: Right Mouse Button or Mouse 1(you must hold position for a little over 3 seconds while not moving or having an interruption in the laser for the target to acquire. You will hear a tone confirming)

Vehicle Controls

Forward:  W

Reverse:  S

Left:  A

Right:  D

Brake:  Space

Headlights:  L (cycles between off/on,  low and high beams)

Release date
Big Monk Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jul 1, 2019

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