Color Dodger
Color Dodge is a very small game I made for TweetTweetJam 5 ! The main rule is pretty simple, the final game code must be 560 characters or less. So I decided to challenge my few Pico8 skills to make a game where you have to keep dodging the incoming explosions for as much time as possible !
r,c=rnd,circfill::w::x,y,t,u,b=64,64,0,0,{}::_::cls(5)t+=1u+=1z=btn()x+=z\2%2-z%2y+=z\8%2-z\4%2if t>18then m=r(128)n=r(128)for i=1,7do add(b,{x=m,y=n,e=sin(r())*4,f=cos(r())*4,t=0,a=0,m=99+r(70),is=3+r(9)})end t=0end for g in all(b)do g.t+=1if g.t>32then g.a+=1 if(g.a>g.m)del(b,g) l={2,8,9,10,9,8,2,1}g.c=l[1+flr((g.a/g.m)*5)]g.s=(1-(g.a/g.m))* g.e*=0.9g.f*=0.9g.x+=g.e g.y+=g.f if((x-g.x)*(x-g.x)+(y-g.y)*(y-g.y)<g.s*g.s)goto w else c(g.x,g.y,g.t/9,1)end end for g in all(b)do if(g.c!=nil)c(g.x,g.y,g.s,g.c)end c(x,y,1,7) ?flr(u/30),62,120,7 flip()goto _It was hard for me not having enough space to add some great camera shake, but it was really really fun to make !
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Nov 9, 2020
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