Miko's Adventures

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Miko’s Adventures Is a cute Adventure 2d platform-puzzle game where you play as Miko .

Story :-

One day Miko was walking in the forest enjoying his free time when suddenly he found something that changed his life … 

Gameplay :-

- 7 unique levels of pure fun .

- Each level has a unique level design, enemies, puzzle elements etc…

- Tons of secrets to discover in each level .

- Jump on platforms, shoot enemies, discover secrets, solve puzzles and collect lots and lots of diamonds, in Miko’s Adventures you are totally free how you play .

- Very Challenging levels which will test your patience .

- Enjoy a detailed cute art style thanks to incredible talented artists .

If you like what i'm creating, Please consider donating  .. It'll help me a lot  .

For now it's my first game so If i found out that some people like the game .. i might start working on a sequel to "Miko's Adventures" to continue the story and just make it even better .. I'd love to hear your opinions . what you like and what you didn't so i can take notes and start working from there ... i have so many more ideas . I love creating games and i'm doing it just so you guys can have fun playing it .

your opinions really matter to me :)

Also if there is anyone would like to make a video on youtube playing Miko's Adventures, that would be so awesome .

Thank you for your support ...

How to Install :-

1- Download Then Install and that's it .

Have fun !

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 1, 2019

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