Comedge Crossing
Once again, the red cube has been put in a labyrinth, where you have to control it. Unlike the last time where it was a time based arcade, here there's neither any time limit nor any maze. Hooray!
But wait, the task is harder now. In this game, Comedge has to be taken to one end of the board and brought back. However, there are incredibly fast moving black cubes which are to be avoided. If hit by these unforgiving things, your score will be reset and you will have to play it all over again.
In a Frogger-inspired environment, the difficulty has been moved so high that it's impossible for even professional gamers to even get a score of 2. But don't let that scare you. There are plenty of tricks you can use as loopholes to outdo anyone else.
ControlsWASD moves Comedge.
When you reach the top part of the board, your score increases by 1, and when you reach back to the bottom, your score increases by 1 more. If you die while coming down, you can hit the bottom and get 1 score before even beginning, as a privilege for having completed it the first time.