Comfort in front of lens
Just a simple experimental game with no woah game mechanics, walking simulator. Please don't expect anything playable :')
Main inspiration was my concern about privacy.
Secret rain included! It activates itself, when you type the number, which is in windows on yellow building.
I've made this game as my very first bigger creation. I started working on it somewhere about winter 2016 and finished it on may 2017. After that, I published it on deviantart under my older nickname and after several months, deleted that post.
And a year after first release of this game, I released it again . . please don't try to understand this release/delete drama.
If you like what I do, you can support me. Easiest way to do so is to write a comment or buy some of my games.
That's all, please enjoy your stay.
1.1 - May 2018
- Chosen option of secret is now not based on player's operating system, but on a pure randomness.
- Mouse speed increased.
- Just a little touch of optimalisation.
1.0 - May 2017
- Game was made, yaay.