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You are a dead, failed video game character wandering through the recesses of the Random Access Memory, trying to find peace in the final moments of your existence before being deleted forever...

...but forget that. The real story is that Continue? is an existential metaphor that explores the finite nature of existence and the beauty and tyranny of our desires within it.

From the developer:

For fans of cerebral games such as Gone Home, The Novelist, and Papers Please.

This is one of those love it or hate it experimental art games. Regardless of whether you like it or not, I ensure you that it is like nothing you've ever played before. It's less about action and strategy and more about taking an emotional and philosophical journey that allows the player to explore his or her own sense of mortality. You will be very, very confused along the way, but your interpretation of this confusion is what the game is all about. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is not looking for something very weird and different. Continue? is for the type of person that appreciates odd, poetic word play, interpretation of the abstract, and existential philosophy.

Some games we play to kill time on a long commute, some we play at home to blow off steam after a hard day’s work, and some games are about escaping into a world more magical than our own. Continue? is meant to be played late at night with some wine or weed, when you're feeling quiet and contemplative.

Everything in Continue? has a deeper meaning behind it. All of the strange places you go to, people you talk to, and scenarios you go through are part of a greater idea that I hope you spend a second or two trying to figure out and interpret...or not. You can also just play the damn thing.

What happens to dead video game characters?

In the garbage dump of the Random Access Memory, you travel from town to town, meeting people who offer you their lightning and their prayer. Lightning clears the way for you to move forward and prayer builds shelters in a distant town where you must frequently hide to avoid being deleted into nothingness by the garbage collector. Along the way, you are thrust into many battle challenges, the outcome of which affects your shelters. There is ultimately, no way to escape the garbage collector, but running from it buys you time to think, wander, contemplate, and hopefully be at peace with the inevitability of your deletion.

Each game randomly assigns you 1 of the 6 characters and 6 of the 11 areas. There is no set order to the stages of the game.


Continue? was inspired by existential road trips into nowhere, Peruvian jungle drugs, and a brush with death while lost in the mountains of New Mexico. It is a quest for wonder, contemplation, and peace.


Continue?9876543210 was independently developed by Jason Oda in 2013. Past projects of notoriety include The Perfect Strangers game (nothingsgonnastopmenow.com) and Skrillex Quest (skrillexquest.com).
Release date
Jason Oda
Jason Oda
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.5
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz RAM
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB of memory
  • Storage: 250 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB of memory
  • Storage: 250 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu Linux 10.10
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz RAM
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB of memory
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 29, 2022

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1 edit
continue?9876543210 Trailer
Nov 2, 2013
Jason Oda
Errant Signal - Continue?9876543210
Sep 25, 2014
Errant Signal
Let's Look At: Continue?9876543210
Jan 12, 2014
Обзор Continue?9876543210
Jan 5, 2014
continue?9876543210 - Universal - HD Gameplay Trailer
Dec 3, 2013
Continue?9876543210 iOS iPhone / iPad Gameplay Review - AppSpy.com
Dec 10, 2013
Pocket Gamer
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LNS Season 4: Episode 76
Continue?9876543210 - Indie Dev Supershow
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Continue?9876543210 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Clearly no Buy recommendation. Hardly any story and the same look like the Fun of the Game. For what it also offers, It is unused! The worst Game from my Steambibilothek.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
I don't really know what to say about this game because it's been a while since the last time I played this one but I remember feeling very disappointed and I uninstalled it after I played once. I wish I could have had a refund.
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Microsoft from French
This game is clearly an UFO. You are a dead videogame character and you have to escape the garbage collector before he reset the RAM. This game is pretty cool in fact, not in terms of gaming, because it's a very simple and repetitive gameplay, but you will play for the story of the NPC and the end of the story. I only make one try, but I guess there is several endings, because the game let you play in only 6 of the 12 environments availables in random. So, if you like strange games and if you likes stories, you can buy this game. If not, play something else.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Very interesting. Life after Death, from a Game character's point of view. Is there a digital Afterlife? This Topic Alone is refreshingly inovative. One only has to be aware that one does not Pre-empt a Blockbuster here. The Game Mechanics are kept very simple, as is the Graphics. In My Opinion, however, this is also a good thing. A good Game is not just defined by Graphics or Gameplay. The Decisive factor (I see it this way) is the Game experience that the Player has in the course of the Game. And this is what the Developer seems to have focused on, both mainly. With Success, I think. The Result is a Game that makes a Thoughtful and perhaps lets the Death Of a Game character see it with different Eyes. Class Game.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Continue?9876543210 is a Work that is difficult to recommend. Basically, Continue?9876543210 is a constant Struggle against Transience and Death both on an overarching level as Part of the Story and In the Form of a permanent Time Pressure that forces one to face off in Fights or escape the Level. This Concept is also evident in Music, Art Design and in the Cutscenes and makes this Work an interesting Experience. But-and you should be aware of this before investing Money-this Fact does not make Continue?9876543210 a good Game. The basic Gameplay does not manage to make this quite strenuous Concept more bearable, because you are regularly irritated and frustrated by the fiddly, always imprecise control and the constant Change of environment and its Rules. And so Continue?9876543210 's not necessarily something for everyone. But if you bring enough Passion and Interest in artistically valuable Games, You can Continue?9876543210 gain a few Minutes.
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