Conway's Garden of Life
It's what it says on the tin, Conway's Game Of Life done in "garden" form.
Done in a rush for Ludum Dare 46: Keep It Alive
Left mouse - plant and remove crops.
R - Reset the stage.
There is no "win" state (though there's definitely a way to lose). Collect as many berries as you can while trying to avoid "wasting" crops.
Crops are only 'wasted' if you pick them up when they are 'dead'. Crops can be revived if there are enough live plants near them.
Berries will only form if Conway's plant can sustain in place for 3 days or longer.
^ this wikipedia might come in handy ;)
Known bugs:
- Dead plants will reset to first stage when coming back alive.
"Improvements Needed" :
- A resizable grid and some options around live/dead plants would have been fun. :(
- Sound would have been nice... :(
Additional resources used:
Super Mario 2 font
Notes: This was pretty rushed due to having roughly only 20 hours of the 48 hour jam to make a thing... it shows.