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1982 is a FREE retro inspired blasta-thon that will test your gaming skills to the max.

The game was created using AppGameKit an easy, quick and powerful game development tool.

http://store.steampowered.com/app/325180/1982 GAME MODES
  • Arcade - battle through 50 progressively difficult levels against some familiar early 80's home computer and arcade enemies.
  • Survivor - how many points can you score with only one life?
  • Time Attack - score as many points as you can in 3 mins. Unlimited energy, but each hit reduces your score multiplier
POWER-UPS - Kill, Catch or Collect
Each power-up has 2 uses, one when collected by the players ship and the other when shot and destroyed.
If you catch a power-up before it hits the ground then it's effect is increased. (ie. More energy is regained or lasers, rockets or shield last longer.) A successful catch is indicated by a heart.

Kill, Catch or Collect?

The 4 types and uses are as follows:

1. Energy Power-ups (green)
Kill - creates a large explosion
Catch or Collect - restore player energy

2. Laser Power-ups (red)
Kill - deploys a temporary horizontally firing laser turret
Catch or Collect - grants the player a temporary weapon increase

3. Rockets Power-ups (purple)
Kill - deploys a temporary rotating rocket launching turret
Catch or Collect - grants player a temporary rocket power-up

4. Shield Power-ups (cyan)
Kill - creates a temporary portal that destroys all enemy bullets
Catch or Collect - grants the player a temporary shield protecting against all impactsSCORING
Each enemy kill is worth 1 pt x score multiplier.
The Score Multiplier is increased by filling the kill gauge on the left of the screen. To do this string a lot of kills together quickly. Failing to kill anything causes the gauge to drop.

Abductions...of Man & Multipliers
When a certain number of enemies reach the ground a Man will be abducted by a yellow saucer. As well as abducting Man the saucer takes x3 from your multiplier.

Kill the saucer and allow Man to fall safely to the ground and your x3 multiplier is returned.

The number of enemies reaching the ground needed to trigger an abduction reduces as your multiplier increases. High multipliers are hard to defend.

Many in game actions such as killing certain enemies trigger a coin drop. Pick up the coins for extra points (5pts x multi), catch them for a further bonus (10pts x multi). Caught coins are indicated by a heart.

Complete any of these in game actions to trigger a bonus coin drop...

  • Arcadia - Survive a level
  • Astro Blaster - get a new high multiplier for your current game
  • Major Havoc - trigger 2 Astro Blasters within 5 secs
  • Missile Command - have 2 remote missile launchers active at the same time
  • Laser Zone - have 2 remote lasers active at the same time
  • Bomberman - kill lots of enemies in an energy power-up explosion
  • Defender - stop any enemy reaching the ground for 30 secs
  • Repulsar - Ram an enemy with your shields
  • 2084 - rescue Man from the saucers 3 times in a row

If you like 1982 then checkout this other game made by Binary Zoo:
Release date
The Game Creators
Binary Zoo
The Game Creators
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Processor: 1GHz processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0 and Vertex Shader 2.0
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Processor: 1GHz processor or faster
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0 and Vertex Shader 2.0
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 20, 2023

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1,000,000 items
The Sky's Gone Out
Survive until midnight [Arcade Mode]
Phone Home
Rescue Man 3 times [Survivor Mode]
Apollo Greed
Catch 10 power-ups [Time Attack Mode]
Friend or Foe
Kill Man 5 times [Time Attack Mode]
First Blood
Get hit less than 5 times [Time Attack Mode]
view all achievements
20 items
Highlight: 24:69
Highlight: 1:03:74, 2:00:26, 4:55:28
1982 - 5000 Pts. [Hard] in 1:05.73
View all streams
17 items

1982 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
A good shoot them up simple and addictive. This is a fixed-screen shooter in which the ship moves on a horizontal axis at the bottom of the screen. The goal of the game is to destroy all enemy ships that unfold on the screen avoiding being hit or touched by their shots. Regular bonus ships allow the enemies to be ungalvanized if they shoot the cross they lose by being hit or to gain in firing efficiency if we recover the fallen cross to the ground. Here no physics, genetic engineering or black magic, just a brain-drop associated with an automatic firing lever clamp. A game that could have actually appeared in 1982 but with excellent playability.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Check out my Review on Youtube Introduction: 1982 is the Year of the Great Curlew and also the Title of the Sci Fi Arcade Space Invader Clone by Binary Zoo. In today's Test, we take a closer look at this one. Graphic: The Graphic is held in the 16 Bit Stalk, but that is not what it looks bad, on the Contrary all Graphic Elements are very nicely made and look very Sharp. All in all, the Art Style fits the Gameplay and provides a good Overview. Gameplay: There is no story, but it would also be atypical For the Genre, but the gameplay is right, but the Gameplay is right, I agree at First I thought I Was ohje that can't be Fun but mis-thought the Epic Sound track of LSD-Musik.net Makes whimsy directly in the Main Menu on the Retro A rcade Game. The Game gets very fast over time and I as an Arcade Noob Quickly get to a Point where I fail and don't really know what I'm doing. The Game delivers three Modes, Arcade the classic Space Invader Mode, Survivor a Hardcore Mode in which you can only have a Life that is otherwise little different from the normal Arcade mode and Time Attack in which it applies in 3 Minutes with unlimited Life one To achieve as high a score as possible makes the Whole Game a Grade Competitive. If you want to see Gameplay to every single Mode, Click right on the Info map at the top right or on the first Link in the Description, there you can see for yourself. The Game is especially suitable for Beginners or From time to Time as you can quickly find your way in and compete directly with other Players via Scoreboard. Requirements: The Requirements for your Computer Are so low that the Game would work even on my Calculator powered by a 100 Gram heavy Hamster. In addition, the Game needs just 18 Mea Bytes of Memory Space, which is about as much as your Desktop Background. Conclusion: Successful Art Style, matching Music and Action spade Retro Power lead me to give a Thumbs up to a Game whose Watch Father I could actually gain little from.
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