Conway's Garden of Life (oakreef)
Explore a garden with the arrow keys and tend it as you like. Hold X to reset.
Based on Conway's Game of Life.
Entry for TweetTweetJam 4 made with PICO-8. This is the entire source code:
b,k=btn,8192::s::for a=0,k-1 do poke(a+k*3,(rnd(4)))end x=60 y=x::_:: if(b(5))goto s for a=0,k do n=0 for i=0,8 do n+=peek(k*3+a+i/3+i%3*64-65)end poke(a,n==9 and 3 or n==12 and peek(a))end memcpy(k*3,0,k)print('웃',x,y,9) if(b(0))x-=1 if(b(1))x+=1 if(b(2))y-=1 if(b(3))y+=1 goto _