Cookie Catcher
This silly little game is all about rocket jumping from cube to cube in search of the legendary "Cookie". As of now, there are 15 levels to play through taking roughly 5 minutes to speed run, and averaging 45 minutes for the first play through.
Use WASD to move, mouse to look around.
Use Left Mouse to skip that odd text flashing in front of your eyes. You should see a doctor about that.
Use Right Mouse to fire off a round of your magical unlimited supply of rockets.
Hit Escape to access the in-game menu to change volume, graphics, and mouse sensitivity.
Protips:* Bouncings fun! But it requires patiences, make sure you land and jump before firing your next rocket.
* The "EFFECTS" setting changes the amount of post possessing applied in game.
* He is always there, its a matter of perspective.
* Some levels have more than meets the eye...
Change log (10/27):* Fixed issues with view clamping.
* Increased the effectivity of rocket jumping.
* Added moar easter eggs.
* Added some ambience music.
* Balanced the shooting enemies, they now have a nice arm time to help with players sanity.
* Reordered some of the more skill heavy levels to fit a more balanced learning curve.