Cooking with a Crossbow
So, your family restaurant is on the decline and you've wound up in debt to the vampire mafia; what's a guy to do? Raise money by building your restaurant back up and practice your defense against the dark arts at the same time? Great idea; strap that cross-bow to your hips and get gyrating, cowboy, it's time to put those Nosferatools in their place! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to pay off your debt to those Vampansies in no time. It's not as big as it seems.
How To Play
You've got three minutes to make as much money as you can by selling delicious food. Your money is written down in the bottom left of the screen in green; you start with 100, and it costs 2 every time you purchase an ingredient. You can buy ingredients from either of the two market stalls outside of your restaurant.
Once you've purchased ingredients, they lose their 'freshness' over time. Reference the recipe boards, and shoot the five ingredients necessary for the recipe of your choice into the cooking pot (that'd be the big green concoction with the purple smoke). The amount of money that you earn from a recipe is increased based on how fresh the ingredients are. You can shoot ingredients from your crossbow by clicking on them when they're in your inventory. You can store up to five ingredients in your inventory at a time.
Press spacebar if you want to restart the game at any time. Press escape to quit.
See how much money you can earn in the time allotted...!
Tips and Tricks
Ingredients don't lose freshness while in the market; don't be afraid to leave an ingredient in the market for later right before you go to finish a recipe to maximize potential freshness. Also, don't be afraid to replace an old ingredient that is about to go bad with a newer one.
The cooking pot resets whenever five ingredients are added to it, whether or not it matches a recipe or not; you can always toss ingredients you don't need into the pot to reset it anytime.
Hygiene is not a problem in this universe; feel free to store ingredients on the ground and pick them up later.
Known Issues
It's a little bit iffy when ingredients go into the cooking pot but then fall out; oftentimes they still count towards the five ingredient count.
For anyone who can't tell (which I'm sure you could, because the models are perfectly sculpted masterpieces), the list of ingredients available in the game include:
Bread, broccoli, cashew, cheese, chicken, fish, onion, pepper, scallion, and steak
Check the screenshots if you'd like a closer look at any of the recipes.
Caxt Nova - Proud inventor of the worst tree model ever produced for a video game title ever, talented chef and designer of the game and its recipes, implementation of gameplay and systems, visual artistry behind the modeling of the ingredients and level, auditory artistry behind the music and sound effects
Sirenskall - "Gameplay or whatever" -Sirenskall, 2021