Core Runners
Your world is under threat from an incoming meteorite, race across the landscape to collect enough power for the defensive cannons.
Android - Touch left or right of screen to steer, touch top of screen to boost
PC - A - left D- right Space - Boost
I lead this project as part of a team at Hometeam Gamedev ( There is a WebGL build hosted there
Developed Oct 4 - Nov 29, 2020
Project lead, core gameplay, vehicle model, thrust vfx, terrain design, environment models (incl. bridge, tunnel, tower, gate), destruction animations, meteorites, post processing, touch screen controls, sky art, toon outline effect, build configuration, defense cannon: Andy King
Music event triggers, main menu music, initial menu functionality, menu button sound, volume slider mapping: Roc Lee
Engine sound and smooth speed adjustment when boosting: Will McKay
Menu UI and animation polish (camera movement, button entry/hover), menu background scene, volume and graphics options, boost UI polish (% indicator), speed indicator: Philip Greene
Boost (including related mechanics, power up, and UI), boost animations (unused): Cassidy Noble
Compiled credits: Chris DeLeon