The day started out as just another relaxing Sunday drive... However craters, rocks, mines, road spikes, plummeting asteroids and being bombed by the angry locals who don’t like you driving around their neighbourhood made it less pleasant than normal.
Crater Crawler is an arcade game inspired by the classic Moon Patrol, written entirely in NextBASIC (2.07L) for the ZX Spectrum Next.
FYI : Version 1.1 Update!
I noted people playing the game were struggling a little with the game, so I decided that I just had to update this with a few changes. I will do an 'addendum' document for the nerds when I get time in the next few days to detail the changes a little.
- Added a new options screen for tweaking the game play:
- Can fire up to 4 bullets at a time for both vertical and forward guns
- Adjust the jump so the vehicle stays in the air longer
- Change the timing between the appearance of each alien
- Turn off the ability to move mid-air jump if you think its too easy.
- Updated the progress bar from a pointer, to a moving 'bar' as per suggestion in the comments.
- Added some more time to the title screen's so that they don't flash past so quickly.
The updated version is available under the downloads.
- Top 5 High score table
- Animated sprite graphics
- AY sound effects
- Parallax scrolling effects
- Keyboard and Joystick support
- A 64 page code breakdown document that runs over the code and explains how it works.
- BASIC code in text file format
Play it as-is, look at the coding and play with it for some learning fun, even edit the code and graphics to make it your own! Enjoy.