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Across the galaxy, there exists a distant planet known as Gradius. Gradius' peaceful existence has been brought to an end by an intense space invasion by a race known as the Bacterion. To save the planet, the hyperspace fighter Vic Viper has been deployed to fight the Bacterion invasion. Players pilot the Vic Viper through seven stages, shooting and dodging through deadly obstacles, while using various power-ups, including missiles, lasers, options and shields. The Vic Viper's target is the enemy fortress, Xaerous. The only way to end the war is to plunge deep through the enemy forces and destroy its very core.

This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance. We hope you'll enjoy the new features (including off-TV play) that have been added to this title. See more Virtual Console games for Wii U.

Release date
Konami Digital Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo 3DS

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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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Gradius reviews and comments

Hell, hell never changes. I mean bullet hell. This game is INCREDIBLY HARD as in, you have 4 lives but it doesn't really matter because when you die you lose all power-ups, which means your ship turns pretty much useless and slow. And man are there things trying to kill you. Everything on the screen basically. Even your mouse if you're emulating. Careful.
Usually you'd just rather hard reset after the first death, and I died for simply going too fast way too many times, as the controls aren't exactly top notch.
That said, the game can be pretty entertaining and it's also really good looking. It's up to you if you want to suffer for 20 minutes or more. Oh yeah the game takes about that time to finish, when you get out you'll be dodging dust particles like no other. It's true, I'm dodging oxygen molecules alr-
... Oops sorry, I passed out. Well I can't dodge anything anymore, lost my power-ups.

Overall, rating out of 100:
Story: 0
Say it with me: there. ain't. none.
I mean there's the usual progression there, and the map changing is pretty cool. 

Gameplay: 25
Wonky controls especially since you need to be so accurate, but it's pretty cool and the power ups makes me go "yaas pew pew pew".  In case you didn't understand, it means it's good.

Graphics: 20

Sound/Music: 5
The music is cool, but the pew pew sounds makes me sad.

That leaves Gradius with and out of this world score of 50 out of 400! Take that, Computer Space.
Gameplay 7/10. Graphics 7/10. Soundtrack 5/10. Storyline 4/10. OVERALL 5.75/10. (A 4.5)
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