Creatures +
Creatures + is a new installment in the Creatures series and the best by far. Now with full map areas full of interesting creatures and 7 bosses which must be defeated to beat the game. Levels can be collected from creatures to by things like multipliers and roll additions. There are 29 creatures in the game as of now but many new and even more from past installments are to be added. Music will also be played throughout the game.
Boss Battles
As of now there are 7 bosses to defeat before taking on one of two final bosses. Each will grant different rewards.
Controls :
Arrow keys or arrow buttons on screen for movement
Due to how works saving and loading isn't properly working so until further notice will be removed from the game.
There are two options when battling defend and attack
Defending will add to the multiplier and an attack after that will be multiplied by that and then the multiplier will be set back to 0.
Attacking will lower the enemy's health and with a multiplier deal much more damage than usual.
The pedia shows all the creatures in the game and can be helpful in identifying creatures over time it will become more and more helpful with more updates to the game.