Crisis Bot (Ludum Dare 50)

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Made for Ludum Dare 50 Compo (Theme: "Delay the inevitable")

Take control of Crisis Bot, an automated repair robot that is deployed in times of crisis! Repair Fractures in your deployment area as quickly as you can, trying to stave off inevitable destruction! Anyone else would tremble in fear, but not you! It's not in your programming!


W/Up: Move up

A/Left: Move left

S/Down: Move down

D/Right: Move right

Shift: Boost (consumes power while moving)

-- MAPS --

To start a game, select a Map from the start menu. Each Map has a unique layout and color scheme.

Available Maps: Spaceship, Submarine, Arctic, Laboratory


Fractures, which are indicated by an icon with an exclamation point, will show areas of the map that have been damaged. As a Fracture icon remains on the map, it will change shape and color to indicate how much damage is being done to the zone.

Yellow Circle: 1 damage

Orange Diamond: 2 damage

Red Triangle: 3 damage

 To Repair a Fracture, just move Crisis Bot over it and Crisis Bot will work its magic (but watch out, it will cost power!)!

Every once in a while, a more dangerous fracture known as a Bomb will appear, shown with a red Bomb icon. Quickly touch these Bombs to disarm them! If they are left too long, a Bomb will begin to blink, then detonate, dealing 10% of its zone's health!

Each repaired Fracture will give you 10 points, and each disarmed Bomb will give you 100!


The yellow lightning bolt panels are Charge Panels. By sitting on a Charge Panel,  Crisis Bot will be able to recharge its power reserves. Be sure  to keep an eye on your energy gauge and charge up frequently, as both Repairing Fractures and Boosting expend energy!


After repairing enough fractures, a Supercharge Powerup will appear on the map, shown as a light blue lightning bolt. Collect this powerup to instantly return your power to full!

-- ZONES --

Each Map is divided into several different Zones. These are where Fractures will appear and begin to damage the Zones. Each Zone has its own health indicator next to it, showing the current status of the Zone. When a Zone's health drops below 25%, the health indicator will turn red indicating that the Zone has entered Critical status. In addition, if a Zone in Critical status has an Fractures, an audio alert will play until all Fractures in it are Repaired or the Zone is Destroyed.


When a Zone's health hits 0%, the Zone will become Destroyed and its tiles will change color. When a Zone is Destroyed, permanent structural damage will be inflicted upon the Map. This will cause Fractures to appear more often, causing your inevitable demise to approach even faster!

-- NOTES --

- This was my first Ludum Dare that I didn't have some personal crisis happen during day 1 that prevented me from getting anything done, so yay! It was a lot of fun to scramble to try and get something working put together (and the additional scramble to change things right at the end was even more fun! x___x). Was a cool experience and seeing the way a project can veer away from its original concept was pretty interesting.

- As this was a Ludum Dare entry, all assets (except the font, as allowed by Compo rules exemption) were created by me. Sound effects were made using Bfxr, sprites and tiles were made in Gimp, font is VT323

- HTML 5 version stutters a bit. I am working on getting an executable file as well, but I'm having some issues with Godot's export for Windows

- One of the sound effects isn't working in the HTML 5 version for some reason (the sound effect for being on a charging panel), sorry about that

- If you enjoyed the game and want to post your Scores down below, please do! I'd love to see how well people did (especially since I finished revamping the scoring system in the last hour and have no idea what score ranges to expect XD)

- I just found a bug  after submitting which prevents you from playing a second game  when getting back to the main menu >_> I will fix that soon, but in the meantime, refreshing will reset the game

- Unsure if I'll do more work on this one in the future. I had ideas for more powerups and some other things like environmental effects that I didn't get around to implementing in time, so we'll see.

Release date
The Great Gallus
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Crisis Bot (Ludum Dare 50) screenshot, image №3307141 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Apr 4, 2022

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