Average Playtime: 1 hour

You Must be 18 or Older to Enter

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You're alone at home in the 1990s, and you heard about grown-up websites at school. How deep can you dive into the Internet without being caught? Do you even like this stuff?
Ever miss the anxious feeling of being a kid exploring adult websites for the first time? We have good news for you! Through interactive fiction elements combined with ASCII styled art,You Must be 18 or Older to Enterblurs several genres together to bring you that exact terrifying experience.You Must be 18 or Older to Enter is a short alternative text-based horror game.
There are no monsters.
There is no death.
Only you,
1990s Internet,
and the fear of being caught.
It is also free.

Release date
Seemingly Pointless
James Earl Cox III
Seemingly Pointless
Age rating
18+ Adults Only

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 7
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 330 or higher
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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Art games / Alt games / B-games
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You Must be 18 or Older to Enter reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
To Access the Content You Must Be 18 or More Years old! Pornuha's got to Stitha! (Yes-Yes, I know that there have been games with sexual content, but not in this form). The Events of the game take place in 1999 (judging by the phrase about impeachment Yeltsin), and tell the story of the first acquaintance of a schoolboy with the world of internet pornography. In fact, it is a collection of pornographic pictures in different, so to say genres, in the raster chart (especially to make the picture vaguely guessed, and evil Gabe game did not drink), diluted with reflections of the boy about the Pornuhe and her place in his school world. The Essence of the game frankly not very clear (well not pornuhu in the raster look?). Whether it is a message to nostalgic Oldfagam, who can remember themselves in their youth, whether it is a way to show the present... Uh... Well not students, but representatives of younger generation, as their older brothers \ Relatives before that have reached. As a result: thumbs up, only because the game is not so disgusting to put a finger down, and the middle finger as a spite in the reviews are not. It is possible to use the modem times for 10 minutes, but then the meaning is lost. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126176713 P. S: If this review was useful for You put like, and also add friends and subscribe to me as a curator-Reviews online
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
A one-time simulator of small pornušnik. And This is almost all said) In general seldom comes across such a cheerful turkey. Usually Indie games of this caliber are turned off at the first minute, and this is good so played on the memories of the naïve youth of my age and the same with them. Here You and ASCII art menu and illustrations, which are vividly transferred to the beginning of the 00s, and then the 90s. With their "striped" and pixel illustrations, which I and my rovestniki rocked in the fight, to then pour on the phones with the screen is not thicker than nails and brag about them in school. To Catch the illusion and image of the computer, and the inscription "Boris Yeltsin Acting President", and the squeak of the card of an ancient telephone modem and even the first hints of ads-linear advertising. All here) But In addition, and this is the most important, pumped atmosphere beznakazzanosti and excitement of the protagonist, who is going through dirty sites. On a quiet in an empty apartment, while parents somewhere have piled up and it is not clear when will return again. Frankly speaking-I was blown away) And the matter is not in memory, but in the fact that I played just at night, in an empty apartment and at the very end of the story really shuddered just like a little boy, when the cat with a squeak opened the door to the room) In general I will say this: Do not regret five minutes and above The lack of knowledge of English for the sake of such a cheerful, short and most importantly free, gizmos)
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