Average Playtime: 3 hours

CrossWorlds: Escape

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CrossWorlds: Escape is a hardcore game in which you will have to deploy all your skills to survive in a huge open world that is susceptible to changes in weather, seasons and various natural phenomena. You have to start from scratch, supplying yourself with food, tools, clothing and shelter. You need to protect yourself against enemies who may turn out to be stronger than you, and you have to prepare for winter and summer. As you do all these, it would be quite good to at the same time look for a way to get out of this strange world where you happened to be against your will.Key features:
  • A 64 km2 game world, which you can explore without any restrictions
  • Change in seasons:
    Hot summer – time when you would want to be closer to the snowy peaks or at least to the cool creek

    Fertile fall – the period of big travels and discoveries, a time you shouldn't forget about the coming winter

    Severe winter – the time when a warm shelter with a hot fireplace and pre-readied stocks will be useful

    Refurbishing spring – ready to sweep away your shelter from places perfectly coping without it for centuries
  • Weather phenomena:
    Gentle breeze that helps you to cope with the summer heat or that turns you into an icicle in winter playfully

    Long-awaited rain, which will prevent you from dying of thirst, but at the same time, will flood your shelter

    Mysterious fog, which will help you to escape from the crowds of enemies, but thanks to which you will pass the desired location without finding it you have missed your destination

    Soft snow that decorates everything around. The snowdrift, which you will turn into, will be quite beautiful

  • Various biomes willing to share their wealth ... if you can cope with their inhabitants

  • Enemies – both those that got trapped in this world against their will and the indigenous inhabitants with advanced intelligence, ready to call their friends to gladly kill you if they can’t do so alone. But if they can’t kill you with friends, they will play dirty tricks on you and crush your temporary shelter

  • A construction and crafting system you can use to acquire strength, new clothes, armor and weapons. This system will force you to visit the most remote corners of the world, destroy already endangered species, explore the dark and inhospitable caves, where you will be seen as enemy number one

  • Deadly creatures with immeasurable levels of strength. You will have to find or summon them, and then win them, to get out of this world. But if you don't hurry up, they may get bored and will come to you by themselves at the wrong time

  • Severe and deadly magic that changes the laws of nature, gives enormous power, but demands long and difficult preparation and unreasonably huge cost in exchange

  • A cooperative of 4 people will increase your chances of survival and successful search for a way out of the CrossWorlds
Release date
Another Reality
Another Reality
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
  • Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual-Core CPU
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 2 GB Video RAM (work on integrated and mobile graphics cards has not been tested and is not guaranteed!)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Not suffered
Resurrection after death from food poisoning
Winter Is Coming
To live up winter
Born to crawl
Resurrection after death from falling
Time is running
Survive a year long
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CrossWorlds: Escape reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review very very bad performance .. Therefore not really playable and therefore no recommendation from me. System requirements are loosely met! As soon as this changes I will update the review! Happy fest
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review For little Money, sufficient Gameplay? So I rate Games and also Early Access Games can meet this Requirement. By just under 13 Euros I installed this Game and I'll show You my (short) first Impression. The Game is worth the Money, but make Your own Opinion: https://youtu.be/BGYHy_4SLuk
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review Hi all. at the beginning this game was really PA terrible, normal it had just comnencer. to this day I fall under the spell it EVOLU very well with these changes of seasons and at the level of beauty of the game, PA MAL d item thirst hunger the cold the hot finally short j said PA more. I advise you to its level d today really PA bad of the tout.et knowing that Sava evolve. good game.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review here is my current review on games that is in early. Positive:-the games this finds prometeur with the fact that we have seasons (for a survival games I want to say finally)-a minimum of content and difficulty not to say challenge-survival is complex for various reasons (poisoning, broken bones etc...) -From the construction (I'm not touched yet so I do not tell you how it is)-enemies quite violent-from the hunts-multiplayer in development!!! :) Negatif:-a tutorial not necessarily well do or explain-simplistic animation (an animation on the cutting of the trees the forest ways would seem better)-the resources are not particularly recognizable at first sight-lack the possibility of being Discreet (Crouch key) what to say in the end if you like complex survival it's a ready-guarded games. Here is my current view on games that is in early. Positive:-the games this finds promoter with the fact that we have seasons (for a survival games I want to say finally)-A minimum of content and difficulty not to say challenge-survival is complex for various reasons (poisoning, broken bone etc...)-construction ( I'm not touched yet so I can not tell you how it is)-somewhat violent enemies-hunting-multiplayer in development!!! :) Negative:-A tutorial not necessarily do well or explain-animation simplistic (an animation on the tree cutting ways the forest would seem better)-the resources are not specially recognizable at first glance-missing the possibility of being discreet (squatting key) What to say in the end if you like complex survival it is a monitored loan games.
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