CS3113 Untitled Ghost Detective Game
Top-down point and click mystery adventure. You play as a paranormal detective who has been tasked with de-haunting this haunted house. Find the clues to progress and stop the hauntings from the ghost in the attic!
- Background music - “Let the Mystery Unfold” by geoffharvey https://pixabay.com/music/fantasy-dreamy-childrens-let-the-mystery-unfold-122118/
- Ghosts laugh https://sc.chinaz.com/yinxiao/221031194480.htm
- Ghosts and ghouls sprites - Andrea Zhou
- Wood floor texture https://unsplash.com/s/photos/wood-floor
- Wooden table texture https://unsplash.com/photos/JH_R66BihvA
- Walnut wooden table texture https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=dark+walnut+wood
- Stainless steel texture https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/stainless-steel
- Vintage wallpaper texture https://www.sketchuptextureclub.com/textures/materials/wallpaper
- Vintage wallpaper texture 2 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/245094404699790214/
- Pillar texture https://outworldz.com/cgi/free-seamless-textures.plx?c=Rock%20and%20Stone