CSSCGC - LOST The Adventure 2008
------By Firelord ------------------
"Lost" is an American serial drama television series that follows the lives
of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial
passenger jet flying between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, United
States crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. Each episode typically
features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline
from another point in a character's life.
LOST 2008 - The Adventure is the first spectrum game that features REAL COLOR photos.
Implementing the Advanced InterPC Spectrum Graphics System(TM) or AISGS, this game can impress even the Amstrad & commodore users.
Featuring more than 7000 exotic locations it put you as the leader of a group of people that was lost after a plain crash.
Use the options that are presented to you ingame to navigate & interact in a game with more than 4000 exotic locations. All locations are in the folder /images_/ in the game folder and are all high quality pictures taken from exotic islands.
To play the game you need BOTH a spectrum & a High Tech PC.
At various points of the game you will be asked to open a specific image from the /images_/ folder of the game. We suggest you keep an image viewer open in your PC.
Main features :---------------
-Real 5Mpixels pictures that you can actually view from your home PC!!!
-Realistic descriptions of the locations!!
-It follows very close the original TV series Script.
-From the first minutes you think that you actually are one of the LOST people like in the series
-Over 6000 different locations including 1 hidden one.
-A spectrum & a PC side by side
Known Bugs:---------------
-There are some but we don't know them very well!
What people have to say about this game :---------------------------------------------
-We couldn't find anyone to say something about this game!
Our company policy does not allow shooting when there is trouble.
(C) Firelord 2008 - trister12[at]yahoo[dot]gr (please include the word SPECTRUM somewhere in the Subject of the mail.
Have Fun :D !!!
By Firelord Quality Games!
* You will need a spectrum emulator to run this game! Just open the TAP/SNA/Z80/TZX file from within the emulator. (Eg. You can visit http://torinak.com/qaop press F9 and then select OPEN)
** This is a Crap Games Competition entry.It was never meant to be a serious game! You were warned! :)
*** You can find the source code for free in many ways!
You can play/try online the game here (from torinak.com/spectrumcomputing.co.uk ):