Cube (itch) (KrisBijnens)
What if you wake up, in a cube ...
What if you wake up, in a cube, in a cube ...
What if you wake up, in a cube, in a cube, in a cube, ...
What if ..
you have ...
no idea who you are?
What is Cube? current state:Cube is a small game made by a father and 2 sons. We all had no experience in 3D game development, and only me (dad) had some experience with 3D modelling and some 2D experience with Construct. We wanted to make something, looked around and stumbled upon Godot 6 weeks ago. As we noticed this Gamejam 2 weeks ago we decided to join as a family, little did we know we would fit into the theme. We wrote down some basic concepts we wanted to try out, and started building a small level for our game. we did implement some concepts, but as you probably all did also dropped a lot because of time issues. in it's current state you can walk around, pick up some food and discover 4 secrets.
The next state:We are currently looking into what we made, but already decided upon starting the whole project from the ground up again. in our next build we want a bigger terrain, an inventory and a food-health system. later on there will be a combat system implemented also but the main game will evolve around the question who you are, and where you are. If you are interested in what you see here or ingame please follow this page so you well receive a notification when we update this game.
Bugs:bugs know as of 23-08-2020
- the cursor doesn't change or show you if you can interact with an item. So you will have to figure out yourself if you think you see something you guess is intractable. As you will pick up things with your hands you will also have to get close enough.
- The music doesn't loop. Although it is set up that way it doesn't work and we ran out of time to fix this.
- Yes, we are aware about the fact you can leave game area if you really want to by walking around the red/white tape. On the other hand, it should not be possible to leave by climbing the rocks so if someone was able to do this please let us know.
Currently in the game but not usable.
Standard powertool flashlight.This will show you the light, hopefully, until you run out off battery.
Standard powertool screwdriver.This will help you fixing broken stuff.
This will be the place to be if your powertool runs out of energy.