Daedalus' Obelisk ZZT
This game's largest influences are I suppose God of Thunder for MS-DOS (which features an action/adventure overworld with platforming dungeons with no jumping) which was I think in turn inspired by the Zelda NES games.
I made all the things. Except when I didn't!
Thanks goes to Kev Vance & others for KevEdit which made it a lot easier to put the game together, as well as Dr. Dos of Museumofzzt.com for beta testing. (This game also has a page on Museum of ZZT: Daedalus' Obelisk.) And of course all of the other old ZZT games I ripped off in one way or another. There's no music because I am not good at composing ZZT music!
Running the gameYou should use the included CLEANZZT.EXE (or some other mod that hides water messages) or you're going to have a bad time. Or play in your browser at Archive.org or at the top of this page. Also there is a map included in the zip file, but I suggest playing the game first before looking at it. :)
Hope that you enjoy the game. Visit my website DOSGames.com for over 800 free & legal MS-DOS games. :)