Dark OmniChess
Dark OmniChess is the chess you know and love, with a dash of fog of war. You can only see your pieces and the squares that correspond with their valid moves, while the rest of the board is hidden in shadow.
How to playThe white player goes first. On your turn, select a piece to view its valid moves, and select the square you want to move it to. Once a piece is moved, push the "End Turn" button to hide the board and pass control to the other player (you may need to scroll down to see the button if not playing full screen). When ready, the other player pushes the "Start Turn" button to view their pieces and visible squares and take their turn.
Additionally, the algebraic notation for the movements throughout the game are found in the "History" panel with the opponent's movements masked.
More informationRead the origin story of Dark OmniChess
Read the Dark OmniChess postmortem