Dark Shield
Set in a dystopian fantasy future: lead a team of skilled individuals to solve quests and increase your company's fame - or die in the process...
Europe, Berlin. After years of going on shadow runs yourself, you finally created a new, independent outfit that combines fixer and team into one company. Your motto: "Shield in the darkness".
Based on your previous experiences as a shadow runner, you have assembled a team of skilled individuals that you know you can rely on. As such a startup, you have some serious startup costs that you need to work hard to pay off. Right now, things could be better and the competition in the market is tough but you hope that soon business will be picking up.
- Complex quest-system
- an engaging story
- ASCII graphics
- Perma-death
- Full mouse and keyboard support
- Runs on Web, Terminal as well as via SDL
- Available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS, the web, iPadOS and Android (the latter two currently both via web)
Don't forget to rate the game and leave a comment! The game is still in its early stages and hence freely available, but if you are willing to support me, feel free to donate!