Dead Sands
This is my first game ever. I made it during a 15-month Unity/C# course I took in Senac, a Brazilian school. It took me around 7 months to finish it (although I didn't work on it every day). I really hope you enjoy it.
In Dead Sands, you are Sharifa, a lively young lady heir to a great ancient fortune. Now she is in Egypt to claim her treasures, but beware, for there are many traps and foul creatures on the way! Jump on enemies, activate levers and use platforms in order to advance.
Left, Right arrows/A/D -> move character
Up, Down arrows/W/S -> climb ladders
Z/SPACE -> jump
X -> activate levers/open chests
E -> enter doors
ESC -> pause
Assets: Unity Assets Store/opengameart/
Programming and Level Design : Gustavo Hitzschky
Game Logo: Daniel "guaxinim retro" Berbel