Death Loop (Rain8750)
Movement - WASD
Click on clue UI to get a brief view of the clue you found
A truly Drenched game that presents the insanity of a game developer. You will die, and die, and die again, then proceed to die some more.
You never have enough time, so what will you do? keep going, keep pushing, find clues, and decipher them to succeed.
Final clue is hard to read, so you can have it for free:
Three birds bathe before flying north for the summer. In the Earliest parts of the day, the Artist can be found Singing four songs with a trembling voice. Move up one. SnakEs slithEr sErEndipitously. Uranium takes the lives of many, but I only care about me and you. Five. Finish like it's fall guys.
Note: you still need to actually get there
We also left you a little special something (Exclusive for players who die a lot)