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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Ah, yes. At the Moment, this country is romanticizing Again, thankfully days long gone. Not me. But still, it took me back into the Decisive Series. Each of the three Parts has its own Character (see my Review of Barbarossa). But "From Warsaw to Paris" is my favorite one thanks to the greatest Replay value.
What it is: An Operation-based Strategy game.
Hexfield Strategy Turn-based What it doesn't include: Great Unit Development (Experience increase, new Perks, etc) Unit purchase RPG Elements The Campaign includes three Cards. Fall White (Poland). Fall Yellow (Benelux and then France) and Sea Lion (Invasion of England) as well as these as single scenarios and playable In Multiplayer.
We begin as thousands of Times before 1939. The Troops stand at the German-/Czech Border in their Disposal rooms and wait for our ingenious Orders.
And then off you go. As usual, we chase our Platelets over the Map and try to conquer victory points with minimal losses of our own. We Know. What makes this Game so special is the Card System and random Events. There are so-called political Points, these serve as Currency to play different Cards before the Start of The Operation. E.G. Weather Report or better Reconnaissance. But also to prevent big Events such as American Volunteers from Defending Britain.
In Addition, from The Corps level (for Air Force soldiers: Gruppe/Zug/Bataillion/Regiment/Brigade/Division/Korps/Army group), the historical Personality (who leads the Corps) is depicted with its Strengths and Weaknesses. They also have hand Cards to influence Offensives, Defenses or Mobility of their subordinate Group parts. The Smallest Playable Unit are Battalion And Regiment.
The Cards come with Events. There Are EVAC zones that want to be blocked To prevent fleeing Troops from participating in the next Operation. You know. The Desast ..., uh Wonder of Dunkirk. The Dutch Flood their Forests, the British used chemical Weapons, etc.
Depending on your own Performance, the following Operations then play out more easily or heavier. And that's where the Game does a Job. Initially, I really struggled in Poland and had no Chance in the operations that Followed. So I had to take back my Impatience and take My time. In Short. I played the Game as planned by the Authors. I thought before every Move and every Attack and went through a Checklist.
What is the Reconnaissance Level of the surrounding Area? Can there be Surprises? Is my Unit the right one to attack? Cohesion. Fighting Value. Morality. Penetration. Does my Head Of the Corps have to play a Card? If I go there, do I overstretch the Supply? Worth massaging more Troops and waiting a Round. Do I Have Artillery or Air force?
The Air Force, by the way, works like in real. Garn't. Chic at seeing the Gentlemen with the Extra Food, but quite ineffective.
By the Way, the Degree of difficulty is customizable in Parts.
So. A Must for Gary Grigby's Fans. The Complexity could go through for some as a "hardcore Strategy." So obacht! There is also nix for the Eye. And Case Yellow is big. A Round can take up to an Hour if you actually check each Option.
But quite honestly. Enumbing The French in Sedan 1940 With Tank groups and teaching them Mobile Warfare is definitely worth it again and again.