Deep Dark (SadSmileGames)
this is our entry for the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2022.
It's a Dungeon Crawler set in a mysterious dark keep. It features a rather unique combat/resource management system and has a PS1 old-school graphical style, similar to classics like Wizardry.
We didn't manage to balance the game properly, so we have no idea if you can actually beat it or not! Tell us if you did, we'd love to hear.
The game features 6 Maps and 4 Boss Fights with over 20 different weapons and over 12 unique monsters!
We might patch in another 3 Boss Fights and add some other QoL improvements.
Known issues:
* Grammatical Errors when gaining loot from combat.
* Many Sound bugs
* Due to failed implementation Stagger and Stun both act the same (increasing CT of enemy move by 10 when triggered)
* Master Sword is pretty over powered