Deeper and Deeper in Debt - Slumlord
Become a slum property landlord tycoon. Borrow money from the bank to fund your Buy to Let empire.
Place down houses to generate rent. Use the money to buy luxury items to increase your status to 100 % to complete the level.
Periodically your houses will need repair. (flashing Hammer Icon) Left click the worker to select him and right click on a house or road to move there.
Depending on the type of house and how badly in need of repair the level of happiness of the tenants wil reduce and they will pay only reduced or even no rent.
Similarly for upgraded personnel, The repair van and the fire truck (needed for putting out fires).
Hit R to reset the level or Q to go back to the title screen where you can choose a level
Made for Ludum Dare 48
Buy Houses and put down on Blue Squares, Buy Luxury Items and put on Gold Squares
Left click worker/Van /Firetruck , Right click on any road or house that needs repair/Fire putting out to send them there and do there thing.
Workers Can repair Houses slowly, Vans a bit faster, only Fire Trucks can put out fires
Win Condition - buy luxury items to hit 100% Status
Lose Conditions
- Overall Tenant Happiness is below threshold (depends on level)
-Cash hits zero and can no longer make back loan repayments
(Weekly payment amount depends on level)
-Run out of time for repaying the loan.
(Amount of Days depends on Level)