Deeper unto the Dungeon
This game was created for Ludum Dare 48, made over 72 hours from start to finish. I hope you enjoy, and if you find any bugs let me know and I'll try and work them out.
I'll also, possibly, be working on this one for some time after the jam so keep an eye out for updates if you liked it!
Fighting your way through the dungeon you, the knight, are tasked with clearing the dungeon of these fowl monsters about. You must also find your way to the next section of the dungeon in order to keep doing your duty(dooty... lol).
Aside from flavor text your goal is to kill all the monsters in the areas ahead of you in order to advance through the doors and finally the trapdoor at the end. If you don't kill all the monsters in the area you're in you cannot move on.
There are no saves (yet maybe) so be careful and try not to die late in the game if you're doing well.