Delivery Driver (aboutalebdev)
Find and deliver all the packages to the customer!
This is my first small prototype game. I am uploading it to demonstrate my current Unity skills. After completing's project taught in section two of their course "Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D," I added to the game to cement my knowledge before continuing my learning journey. The following is a list of additions I made:
- Imported a custom font.
- Added a simple menu screen with a title, start game button, quit game button, and game instructions.
- Added a counter at the top of the screen, which displays how many packages are left.
- Added a quit game button in the bottom left corner of the game.
- Changed the sprites for the boost, packages, and customer.
- Added multiple packages in hidden areas throughout the map.
- Created my own unique map.
- Tuned the controls, colors, delays, etc. to my liking.
- Added a post-game screen that displays a "You Win!" message with a menu button.
Adding on to the game was an educational experience. The following is a list of important concepts I learned while implementing additions:
- Learned how to import custom fonts.
- Learned how to create new scenes.
- Learned how to switch scenes with a button.
- Learned how to create quit game functionality.
- Learned how to alter text according to the value of a variable.
- Learned how to use Edge Collider 2Ds.
- And most importantly, learned the importance of constantly saving a game while developing it!
As this was my first venture into game development, I wanted to keep the scope small and achievable. Taking the time to learn the proper way to implement every addition I made would be outside the scope of this small project. In the future, I plan on optimizing the game, adding new cars, and polishing the aesthetic.
Please give your feedback. Thank you!