Valiant: Evangeline

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In a time not so long ago, the veil between the Human and Faerie worlds was much easier crossed. For centuries, the fae were sighted on the fringes of human society, believed to be peaceful, until the rumors began.

Some human children would mature differently than others, quieter, stranger. It was said the fae whisked them away from their cribs as infants in the dead of night, and replace them with shades made from fae magic, never to be seen again.
Thus grew a rift, as humans blamed the fae for stealing their young for their own evil ends, for this curse of Changelings. But what if that wasn’t the whole truth?

------------------ MyFirstGameJam Summer 2020 ------------------

This is a game jam project, in which we had 2 weeks to build a game for our very first time ever building a "complete" game. The theme is "Change"

For everyone on this project, this was truly our first Game Jam. None of us having ever built a game before. One of us dabbling with game development over the years but never serious. We want to think the community for this fun opportunity we had. We had many more things we wanted to do but the goal was to make a complete game which we feel we did. Hope you enjoy.

  • Programmer: Mastro2k - "Felt like I learned so much to take forward to future games. Hope there are more to come"
  • Game Designer: SauceNinja - "2 weeks.  1 game.  5ish people.  Countless babies.  Evangeline."
  • Writer: Chloe Barnes - "Making this game has been a fantastic experience and I'm proud to watch it come together."
  • Artist: Pierre Mont“The creation of this game has introduced me to the game development process,  new art styles, and a wonderful experience. I appreciate I was able to be part of this team that made it to a reality.”
  • Artist: Enchantee Mont - "It's amazing being able to be part of and see a game build from the ground up."
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Last Modified: Jul 27, 2020

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