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The all father has vanished, creating an opening in the pantheon. To fill the void, Demigods from across from the mortal world must wage war against one another in a bid to ascend to true godhood.
Set in a magical world where gods walk among mortals, Demigod blends action, strategy and role-playing elements into a thrilling new experience. Select the Demigod that will lead your minions into battle and unleash the dogs of war against your rivals. Your Demigod will do whatever it takes in order to ascend to true godhood.
Once in the Arena, each Demigod will be joined by support troops that fight to the death as you struggle to seize key control points and slowly turn the tide of war in your favor. And your Demigod will level up during the course of each battle, becoming even more powerful as you unlock new abilities and powers. It's a brutal conflict of Demigod versus Demigod, where the very ground beneath their feet will tremble and quake.
Demigod is a real-time, tactical strategy game that includes extensive role-playing elements. Choose from several Demigods, each poised for battle with their own unique capabilities and awe-inspiring powers. Vanquish other would-be gods as you gain levels, increase in power, unlock the power of mystic artifacts and slowly battle your way closer to joining the Pantheon.
Key features: Revolutionary strategy/action game that combines tactical prowess with role-playing depth.
Your Demigod is the focus of your power in the arena. Each of the 8 included Demigods has unique powers and abilities.
Like a role-playing game, players can purchase equipment for their Demigod, add new powers to their Demigod as it gains experience, acquire artifacts that remain persistent between games. Each Demigod plays differently enough that it provides a diverse gaming experience.
Like a strategy game, players have strategic objectives in each arena that, when captured, provide resources that give access to better units and some Demigods have the ability to summon their own minions that they can individually control. There are gold mines that can be captured to give more resources, artifact shops that, if captured, make their resources available to your team.
Battle in a persistent online world in multiplayer or play single player either in a skirmish or in the virtual tournament.
The on-line pantheon allows players to "skirmish" against other players of similar skill or take part in the on-line Pantheon tournament where players choose the path of light or darkness and earn favor points to help their faction win the tournament. Players can also play on the LAN or play custom games with friends on the Internet.
Players earn favor points through victory with different awards given for different achievements during the game. These favor points can be used to purchase special items that exist from game to game.
Increase your Demigod's powers and abilities by leveling up during each battle.
In each game, your Demigod will start at level 1. As you kill enemy grunts and Demigods and capture flags, you gain experience which will cause your Demigod to gain experience levels. When a new experience level is gained, the player can add new skills and abilities to their Demigod to make him or her more powerful.
Wage massive, earth-shattering battles across a series of awe-inspiring Arenas.
Demigod makes use of the same awesome technology as Supreme Commander. However, it has been greatly enhanced with Gas Powered Games' new "mesh" technology that allows the game to have incredible visuals even on older video cards. The arenas in Demigod are not your typical "maps". Instead, they have each been crafted as a full blown 3D model unto itself in which players battle on the surface of them.
[/list[b]Seize key, strategic positions on the map and turn the tide against your enemy. Push deep into their base and destroy them once and for all.[/b]
Key resources in an arena are controlled by capturing the flag associated to that resource. When a player controls that resource, the entire team benefits. Controlling flags also generates war points which are added to your team's war score. When enough war points are collected, new upgrades in the team's Citadel become available for purchase.

Release date
Gas Powered Games
Stardock Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista SP1 / XP SP3
  • Processor:2.4 GHz Processor
  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Graphics:128 MB DirectX 9.0c 3D Video Card
  • DirectX®:dx90c
  • Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection, also to activate this game you must create a Stardock account while launching the game on Steam.
  • OS:Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista SP1 / XP SP3
  • Processor:3 GHz Processor
  • Memory:1 GB RAM
  • Graphics:256 MB DirectX 9.0c 3D Video Card
  • DirectX®:dx90c
  • Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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Demigod reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Nice game but it gets very quickly repetitive. Once we understand that we must demolitate the towers one after the other to weaken the defenses of the opponent, it becomes a breeze but with the consequence that it becomes not replayable
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Dont buy. You have to register the game with a stardock acount. You wont be able to reuse this registration code in case you need to change the registration. This would not be the problem. The problem is that you can not change the registration and Stardock will not offer support or answer any question if you write them.
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Microsoft from French
My first Moba and i still enjoying it. The graphics, the musics, the gameplay, the camera movements ... I've never seen so much beauty in one game. Too bad that they messed up the online part (lags, crashs...), but i don't know if this part is better now since i have come back after 6 years for offline game for the moment.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I only had the Game at home as a DVD and played it Long with Friends at LAN parties, long before there were Dota2/LoL or any other MOBA and I just thought it was cool. Jetz I got it here and have to say that it's still just cool, a great Change from Dota etc and kept very "easy," so that you can get in quickly and have fun with it!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Extremely poor control (which can't really be dislocated) and no Camera guidance. The hotkeys are 1234 for Abilities and F1-F3 for items, on my Keyboard this is extremely poor to achieve. The Camera also does not follow the Character but must be moved manually with wasd, or at the edge of the Screen, also the Zoom level are extremely poor and must be manually adjusted after each Death. I would leave my Fingers off the Game.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I just like this Game and keep playing it. Cool Characters to whom you can read the HnterGrundstory if you like. In Single Player there are normal free Matches and also Tournaments, which I like Zocke.Since in Tournaments you play 8 Rounds with the chosen Character, you can't help but get to know him better or experiment with Skillation and you learn one or the Other also Love that one didn't come to terms with at the beginning. Local Matches can also be done, that's not a Problem and very fun. Only that it looks mau for online Matches is very and too bad and for me also a little Criticism point of criticism (although it doesn't really bother me). Difficulty levels for AI are light, normal Hard and nightmare, whereby I have to say that hard at least for me is already partly a Challenge, nightmare is what the Name already says really hardcore I find. So I would recommend it.
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