Average Playtime: 2 hours

Overlord II

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This sequel to the comic dark fantasy Overlord allows the player to have fun being evil. You play as the dark Overlord who leads his armies of minions against the human Glorious Empire (which obviously mimics the real-world Roman Empire). The Glorious Empire is not "good" anyway: its leaders are trying to eliminate all magic users, so the "evil" motivation is quite justified. However, to accomplish his conquest and become a truly powerful and feared dark lord, you will have to commit some really vile deeds. One of your first missions, for example, involves slaughtering baby seals.
The game follows the Overlord from his childhood, as he grows from a nasty kid to a mighty dark knight that looks a lot like Sauron as shown in The Fellowship of the Ring movie. The Overlord begins his conquest with a pack of goblins and a single troll, but over time his minions will develop into more powerful and deadly creatures and attack the enemy in large hordes. The game does not turn into a strategy, however, as you still only directly control the dark lord himself, and the minions are commanded through his orders. Overlord II is famous for its humor: the game does not take itself too seriously. There are all sorts of puns and parodies on the stereotypical villains and other fantasy tropes, such as elves and fairies. Goblin minions squeak, cringe and fall, while playful Danny-Elfman-esque music is echoing in the background.

Release date
Triumph Studios
Virtual Programming
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

7 / 8 / 10
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0Ghz/Athlon 64bit 3000+
Memory: 1GB
Graphics: GeForce 6800+/ATI X1600+ with 256MB
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5GB
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Additional note: Multiplayer is no longer available

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.9 or later
  • Processor: Intel
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 5 GB Free

Multiplayer is no longer available

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 15.10 or similar Linux Distribution
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4/Similar AMD processor
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard Disk Space:5 GB Free
  • Video Card: NVidia/AMD OpenGL level 3.2 compatible
  • Video RAM:512Mb
  • Sound: ALSA/PulseAudio compatible
  • GTK 3

Multiplayer is no longer available

  • nVidia: NVidia 364.19 or better. 331 series are unsupported.
  • AMD: AMD Catalyst (fglrx) 15.12 Crimson

System requirements for PlayStation 3

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Last Modified: Mar 23, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Overlord II reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Reminds something about Pikmin and makes it a lot of fun. Würd ' say is more of such a Game where you don't have to think much, but it can become a bit demanding after a Time. And the Game has a very nice Staging.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A very fun and recommended Game. Anyone who knows Overlord 1 will not be disappointed in the 2 Part either, only some Improvements have been made (better Graphics, the Minions can do more, even their own Abilities have been expanded.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
This Game is just done really well. Here one embodies the Evil dedn "Overlord" who wants to make himself the whole World servants and Commands his Henchmen to fight for him. In doing so, a great Value is put into the Humorous Story. In Addition, the level design is extremely varied. In addition, you can also expand your Castle, bring Upgrades for your own Rüstugn and much more. Admittedly, you will only play through this game once as there is a Story and if you have the through the Game is over. But the Price is also reasonable for that. I would therefore recommend this Game to anyone who does not know what to do on a weekend or Needs variety from these eternal Grindgames,
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Overlord 2 makes a whim, but a little bit more I would have expected myself. Feeling this is more of an Overlord 1.5 than a real Evolution. Pro and Contra + some sensible Additions + Anarcho-minions continue fun + intelligent Puzzle Sections + overall successful Controls + Minions, lots of it + Nice black Humor + very nice comic Style + great Landscapes + chic (physics) effects + Good Effects + Missive Soundtrack + predominantly good Speakers + constant increasing level of Difficulty + no unfair Spots + nice Gags on the Edge + sarcastic Comments + good Cutscenes + well received cutscenes + also complex Commands are easy to give + Quiet Playing time for the Campaign + lots of Hiding places (Gold, Equipment) + a lot of Variety + coherent, detailed Fantasy world + plenty of Opportunity to Experiment + clever Minions + clever Opponents + predominantly good way finding + four Scissors types with Pre-and Desks + usable Mounts + hidden bonuses + politically beautifully incorrect + plays with fantasy clichés-Hardly any real Innovations-camera still not perfect-Humor doesn't always ignite-no more surprise effect-technically not quite mature-somehow not Evil than Part 1-somewhat polygone-poor-some figures annoy (Children!)-occasionally too few Memory points-occasional target Problems in The Huddle-no Individual Missions-rare AI dropouts of individual Servants-no Story Applications
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