Welcome to your introductory course of DEMON FISHING! You will be able to meet & greet some of our FINEST SPECIMEN in DEMONOLOGY and FISHOLOGY alike! Don't wait, START FISHING and chronicle ALL 20 DEMONFISH in your PISCES DAEMONIS!
When you happen upon a fish in the DEEP POND, mash W as hard as you can to reel it in! Press TAB to marvel at your new discovery and maybe even LEARN A LITTLE MORE ABOUT IT!
Contains some fish gore.
a prototype made by SIGMATIC (coding) & WALUIGITHEBEST (hand-drawn art) for the WAITING FOR GODOT GAME JAM. bugs may be fixed after the event is over.
Overworld Controls:
Walking - WASD
Open Journal - Tab
Start Fishing - Click Pond
Fishing Controls
Move Left/Right - A/D
Descend Faster - S
Reel In Fish - W
Accept Catch - A/S/D