Descend (Joshua Yeoh)

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This is my 2nd Stencyl Game. Made in November 2022

Descend is a Shoot’em Up game with 2 gamemodes. Normal mode and Ascend mode.

Normal Mode:

  • Player must survive in a chasm full of enemies and beat the boss at the end to win.
  • The progress is labelled as “depth”. The longer the player survives, the more depth will be travelled.
  • Player has to reach from 0m to 10000m in depth. Speed is 27m per second. About 6 minutes to reach the end.
  • New enemy types will appear the further the progress. They mostly spawn from the bottom of the screen
  • The boss is at 10000m depth.
  • The player must collect an item drop from the boss after defeating it to win.
  • Player must escape the erupting chasm.
  • It is a chase gamemode. The player will be chased by rising magma from the bottom.
  • Player now faces and moves upward. Starting from 10000m, player has to reach 0m.
  • Player can escape the rising magma by progressing in depth. The magma rises slower than the player progressing.
  • Unlike Normal mode, progressing can only be done if the player moves above the upper half of the screen, pass the green line. If not progressing, the magma will catch up with the player.
  • The player moves at the speed of 37.5 m/s if progressing. About 4.5 minutes to reach the end if no stops.
  • Enemies now spawn from the top of the screen. There is no boss at the end If the player is respawning, and the magma has already covered most of the screen, the magma will quickly lower to a certain level to give the player some temporary room to try again.

Ascend Mode:

  • Player must escape the erupting chasm.
  • It is a chase gamemode. The player will be chased by rising magma from the bottom.
  • Player now faces and moves upward. Starting from 10000m, player has to reach 0m.
  • Player can escape the rising magma by progressing in depth. The magma rises slower than the player progressing.
  • Unlike Normal mode, progressing can only be done if the player moves above the upper half of the screen, pass the green line. If not progressing, the magma will catch up with the player.
  • The player moves at the speed of 37.5 m/s if progressing. About 4.5 minutes to reach the end if no stops.
  • Enemies now spawn from the top of the screen. There is no boss at the end
  • If the player is respawning, and the magma has already covered most of the screen, the magma will quickly lower to a certain level to give the player some temporary room to try again.






Left Click



Deploy Shield


Summon Support


Toss Grenade


Pause Menu



Adobe Photoshop – Art

Adobe After Effects – Animations & VFX

Various video games – Sound Effects

Audacity – Audio Converting/Editing

MP3 tag

LP Generator


Lego Hero Factory Brain Attack Music

The Raid 2 – Motor Chase

Waterflame – Rocket Race

Sasha – LNOE

Demonicity - Fascist

Release date
Joshua Yeoh
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Dec 23, 2022

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