Defend from projectiles with your shovel!
This pixel platformer is first-ever game made by me (coder) and my brother (artist).
In this game, you got to pass this short platformer by controlling the character with A, D and Space, while you can also control your shovel with arrows. The character's and shovel's controls are independent so you can cooperate with your friend so one controls the character and the other controls shovel.
This game was made in 2 days for: Mini Jame Gam #15
Together: theme was realized in two ways: the shovel is character's friend (you can see the face on shovel) and controls are independent so you can cooperate with someone
Shovel: I don't still this need an explanation. The player is always carrying a shovel and is using it
Programming : Logini228
Art : Murzilken228
Sound : Murzilken228
Music : Murzilken228